"When I started my career, it was very much a male dominated working environment. Although we’ve seen an increase in the number of women in our industry, we still need more! The thoughts and feelings of ‘women not being suitable’ is finally changing and that is a breath of fresh air. Vital, as well as other companies within the industry, are looking from grassroots upwards to encourage and entice woman into this world. We want to make a difference and are positively committed to growing and developing our own strong independent woman within all areas of this industry."
Who and what has inspired you during your time in the industry?
Rachael - Unsurprisingly, other women! I am inspired by passionate people. People who want things to work well. People who try to look at problems from a different angle and then do something about it. People who are willing to share their knowledge, expertise and time. There’s lots of them out there – I feel very lucky!
Laura - I have spent the majority of my career working in construction and estates industries, and what continues to inspire me is the camaraderie between project teams. I attribute this largely to the fact that projects are complex and multi-disciplined, which drives the need for the team to respect one another so that everyone feels comfortable to speak up and voice their opinion, allowing all the different disciplines, diverse experiences and backgrounds to effectively work together openly and honestly to deliver safely.
Ella – The people! I have experienced many different walks of life, each with their own personality and traits; some have been compatible to mine, others have been different. However, each and every one of them has inspired and influenced me, showing and teaching me the type of person I aspire to be. The strong characters, from my Board of Directors, team members and colleagues all have differing opinions, which in turn have enhanced my resilience and improved my communication skills to allow me to work coherently and effectively with all. I love the fact that regardless of the differing views and opinions, we all have the same goals… we want to succeed! To do this, I have learnt we have to all work together, to compromise and be trusting of others and their judgements in paramount.
What do you think the value of events like Women In Engineering are?
Laura - They remind women and society as a whole that a career in a typically male-dominated industry is absolutely a career that they can pursue and succeed in. It is a time to reflect and celebrate how far women have come and be thankful for being born in a generation where opportunities for women to accomplish and achieve what they want from life are the greatest they have ever been, whilst acknowledging challenges women still face.
Rachael - It puts women in the spotlight and gives organisations an opportunity to shine a spotlight on what they’re doing and what still needs to be done – and it gives women a voice. However, it shouldn’t just be one week – we need this embedding 365 days of the year!
Ella – It is a positive promotion of a driven and inspiring message. It shows that no matter what your skillset, gender, race, there are opportunities for everyone. The stigma of this industry being a male-dominant world needs to be eradicated. This should not just occur at this time, the message should start being communicated to all from a young age, with organisations encouraging and promoting women into our industry all year round!
What advice would you give to young women considering a career in engineering?
Laura - Go for it, it is a rewarding career. Society is changing and it is apparent that younger generations expect a lot more from their leaders. Organisations are certainly aware of this and are driven to ensure they are engendering a just culture, which is inclusive for all. We’ve already come a long way, if you decide this is a career for you, you could be part of a journey where hopefully one day, future generations of women would see it as the social norm to consider a career in construction and engineering industries.
Rachael - Do something that you love – something that interests and maybe even excites you. And if that’s engineering, then go for it! There’s lots of great, supportive networks out there – find others in your tribe to swap stories and get support from. Many people will happily give their time to help you on your journey – sometimes you just need to ask
Ella – Take the plunge… It will be worth it! I am not going to lie, like anything in life, there will always be difficult and trying times that we have to face but by joining this world, you will be making positive active steps in making a difference. The rewards, desire to achieve and development of skills showing the younger generations (including our daughters and nieces don’t forget) what they can accomplish, will be amazing and guess what, you will be a part of that!
Whatever stage of your career you’re at, if you’re interested in taking a step into the world of engineering, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us by emailing [email protected].