RE:FIT Projects Pass Carbon Savings Landmark

Over the last six years we have been working with a range of public sector organisations to lower their carbon emissions as they strive towards net zero.  Over this time we have successfully delivered 12 projects ranging from local authorities and universities to NHS Health Boards and Trusts.

One of the most innovative aspects of the RE:FIT framework is that projects are underpinned by an energy performance contract which guarantees carbon reduction and financial savings through energy reduction.  We are delighted to announce that this work now accounts for over 11,500 tonnes of guaranteed carbon savings each and every year.

Swansea Solar Farm

We installed a major solar farm at Swansea Bay University Health Board through the RE:FIT framework.

Solution detail

The RE:FIT framework is about finding the best solution for a company’s decarbonisation within an agreed budget, combining speed, access to funding, reliable contractors and the certainty of knowing that financial savings and carbon reduction are guaranteed."

Chris Yeo, Director of Low carbon Solutions for Vital Energi

Chris continues, “This, however, is only one of over 50 frameworks which we sit on, and we were able to announce several years ago that we were guaranteeing over 1 million tonnes of carbon reduction to the NHS.  Passing both these landmarks demonstrates how effective the correct framework can be and we look forwards to working alongside more of the UK’s councils, universities, hospitals and other public sector organisations as they work towards their net zero goals.”

In addition to the environmental benefits, our RE:FIT projects are also delivering £9.8m in guaranteed energy savings per year, which is money which can now be reinvested where it will do the most good.

Projects have seen us install building fabric improvements, lighting upgrades, HVAC improvements, Building Management Systems, heat pumps, rooftop solar PV and major solar farms in buildings ranging from leisure centres, hospitals, and universities to schools and libraries.  We often work with our clients to adopt a phased approach, allowing them to make progress on their net zero journeys as funding becomes available.

If you’d like to learn more about RE:FIT projects and how they’re delivered we have case studies available here: