“The Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme has been fundamental to improving the John Radcliffe and Horton hospitals for our patients, staff, and visitors. The modernisation of the building’s heating and hot water infrastructure will improve our energy efficiency by adapting a range of low carbon technologies and support our journey towards the national target for a net zero NHS carbon footprint by 2040.”
OUH is one of the UK’s largest acute teaching NHS Trusts. It works in close partnership with the University of Oxford, and is a leading centre for cancer, neurosciences, diabetes and genetics - among other fields.
During the visit, the team from Salix got to tour the site and look at the new energy efficiency technologies including the solar PV panels, air-handling units, building management systems, heat plate exchangers, the new low-temperature-hot-water pipework distribution system and cascading air-to-water heat pumps.