The Importance of
Customer Feedback

We actively seek customer feedback to ensure we continually align our service and approach to their individual and project needs.

Lisa Martin leads our customer care programme where the ultimate focus is to listen to our clients, share the feedback to our teams and ensure we continually align our service and approach to their individual and project needs.

Lisa speaks directly with our clients on a one-to-one basis throughout the project as this provides a more personable but valuable insight, and by reviewing within the project period rather than on completion, we can maintain high levels of satisfaction.

This feedback provides a tool for us to learn what our clients want, what we are doing right and also where we need to change.  We are delighted to have some outstanding comments which is a great form of positivity and motivation for the staff. Lisa also facilitates the constructive feedback which allows us to continually adjust and tailor our operations.

Lisa explains, “Having 100% of our clients say Vital have met their expectations and would be happy to work with us again is a fantastic reflection on our staff.  Our collaborative culture, open and honest approach is a consistent high performing benchmark across our reviews and one which alongside our technical ability is seen as a strength from clients when working through any challenges projects bring.

Mike Cooke, Managing Director for the North and Scotland said "It's important to celebrate the many positives we’ve received, but it is essential to also listen to our clients and focus on continuous improvement. As a turnkey provider we have incorporated our customer care programme into all our divisions as an invaluable tool to ensuring Vital and our supply chain provide a positive delivery from bid to design, installation, O&M and customer service."

Some of the highlights of the Engineering North 2021 summary include:

  • Our people, flexible and project management approach consistently outperforms our benchmarks
  • 90% overall performance score
  • 100 Net Promoter Score
  • 100% of clients would like to work with us again

We couldn’t be happier with Vitals service, their communication, resident service, product quality and treatment of us as a client has been excellent.

Anna Chernysh, Metropolitan,

It works well with Vital we have been working with them for 6 years and it’s tried and tested.

David Moss, Airedale Hospital,

The system is working well and performing financially better than envisaged, saving approximately £300k more than anticipated due to unexpected VAT savings. The system is working well for the hospital’s needs.

Andrew Shepherd, Leeds Teaching Hospital,

We are getting healthy financial returns which are good, if not better than envisaged. We are in discussions with Vital regarding the roadmap to decarbonisation, it’s a 3-way discussion between us, CEF and Vital.

Don McKenzie, York Teaching Hospita,

There is a lot that Vital manage without me knowing, they just get on with it, I often only know through the monthly reporting , they mitigate things quickly.

Kawun Williams, Cheltenham & Gloucestershire NHS Trust