We are making key progress with our project at Telford Homes’ Nine Elms Parkside, a 14–acre development between Battersea and Vauxhall situated on the former Royal Mail Centre. We are delivering a £17m contract to deliver the primary energy infrastructure package for plots B and D including heating, cooling and boosted water supply to 894 apartments.
Plot D is made up of 3 blocks comprising a total of 459 apartments. So far, we have completed all Heat Interface Unit (HIU) and Cooling Interface Unit (CIU) installations to each of the 459 apartments and provided the water treatment operations to the low temperature hot water and chilled water-cooling systems. The gas systems are operational, and the car park extract systems are commissioned, and within the plant room, the boilers, the first chiller, pressurisation units, pumps, degassers, and boosted cold water systems are all installed and commissioned. Ventilation is provided with Air Handling Units (AHU) which supply and extract air to the gym.
Plot B is made up of 3 blocks comprising 435 apartments. We have installed all the HIUs within the apartments and have installed 200 CIU units so far. Almost all the gas pipework systems are in place, along with the distribution and lateral pipework to apartments, low temperature hot water, chilled water, and the boosted cold-water systems are also near completion.
With work progressing on both plots B and D, our next milestones are the commissioning on plot D’s remaining chillers, Automatic Opening Vent (AOV) systems, rainwater harvesting systems, air conditioning systems and the final insulation and trace heating. Within plot B, we are looking ahead to final completion of the gas system, Air Handling Unit (AHU) ductwork, car park extract systems, AOV systems and Building Management Systems (BMS) wiring.
We’ll be handing block 1 of plot D over to the client in December.