Our services

Our agile approach, experience and in-house expertise allows us to design flexible, resilient and future-proofed energy schemes across cities in the UK.

Vital services

We have evolved to become a complete energy company and can deliver a whole life cycle energy solution or deliver one aspect of your project from design and installation to long-term asset management.

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Concept development

Developing concepts that consider the environmental feasibility & economic viability. Capital & operational cost budgets allow options to be assessed & compared to then move to the next stage.


Detailed design phase allows the energy solution & the project pricing to be confirmed ensuring the project will seamlessly progress into planning & delivery phase.

Project delivery

We are experienced in the construction & commissioning of all elements of energy solutions & heat networks including generation, distribution and supply management.

Operations & maintenance

We can manage the fuel procurement, operation, metering, billing, planned and reactive maintenance, life cycle repair and replacement of heating network assets throughout the life of the project.

Energy Services Company (ESCo)

We can help clients develop solely owned, joint ventures or third-party structures which balance the commercial needs of the project with the needs of the end user.

Energy Performance Contracts

We can guarantee a range of performance indicators which include operational performance, financial & carbon savings. These contracts can mitigate the risk for clients & provide long-term certainty.

  • Got a project in mind?

    Tell us about your project and a member of our team will be in touch shortly.