Westmoreland & Furness Council

Sandscale Solar Farm - Independent Connection Provider Works

Executive Summary

We were contracted to design and build a solar farm at Sandscale Park for Westmoreland and Furness Council which would export generated electricity to the grid. This involved us delivering all of the High Voltage Contestable Works, which have now been adopted by the Distribution Network Operator (DNO), Electricity North West (ENWL).

  • electricity symbol or lightning bolt
    11MV Electrical Infrastructure Package
  • solar
    3,700 Solar Panels Installed
  • reducing-carbon
    2MW Generation+

Project Overview

Westmoreland and Furness Council's commitment to achieving their net zero goals saw them commission a new solar project. The ambitious undertaking involved the design and construction of a 2MW solar farm, comprising nearly 3,700 solar PV panels spread across an expansive 11.9-hectare site.

As part of the project, we were tasked with executing all the High Voltage Contestable Works, which included connecting the new system to the District Network Operator’s distribution network.  On this project, the District Network Operator was Electricity North West (ENW), who, upon completion, adopted the complete grid connection.

To achieve this, we needed to navigate the intricate design, build and adoption requirements stated by Electricity North West. Each Distribution Network Operator has its own unique set of G81 design documents and specifications, making it crucial for the system to comply with all their rules and regulations.

Electricity North West is responsible for maintaining high standards of quality control on its networks, requiring Independent Connection Providers (ICPs) to be accredited for the scopes of Contestable Works. The accreditation process involves rigorous audits to verify compliance before the assets can be adopted. On this project our High Voltage scopes of Contestable Works under the National Electricity Registration Scheme (NERS) was audited by Lloyds Register Quality Assurance.

Upon successful completion and adoption of the Contestable Works, Electricity North West integrated the newly installed electricity distribution system into their existing grid infrastructure and assumed responsibility for the operation and maintenance of the adopted assets, ensuring the long-term viability of this renewable energy project.

Our Solution

As the Independent Connection Provider, we are able to fulfil all DNO liaison and handle the essential steps and communication involved in delivering the High Voltage Contestable Works, in line with the requirements of ENWL and LRQA’s NERS.  This included handling all design and construction works from the High Voltage Point of Connection provided in the ENWL Point of Connection offer (G99 application) through to the sign off for the adoption agreement.

As well as our ICP undertaking Vital Energi also performed the full design, procurement and installation of the clients2MW solar farm and associated equipment such as invertors, substations, control system and HV connection to the grid.

Sandscale Park solar farm is an example of us using our assets in an innovative way to meet a serious challenge. The rise in energy costs is affecting us all, and by establishing this site we’re now able to generate our own energy and ensure security for the future, which can only be a positive thing.”

Councillor Peter Thornton , Westmorland and Furness Council Cabinet Member

Sandscale Park Solar Farm

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