Traditionally, biomass schemes can be used to generate low-carbon heat through the incineration of organic matter, combining strong financial and environmental benefits

Biomass Solutions


Biomass delivers significant carbon savings and provides a strong, technically-robust solution with a long-standing track record of success in all sectors, ranging from higher education and healthcare to residential and mixed use.

  • biomass
    Biomass can be commercially comparable to other technologies, whilst delivering much higher CO2 reductions
  • energy-centre
    Systems can range in size from small, domestic systems which are typically 10-15kw to significant power stations

What is Biomass?

Organic material, such as wood chip, wood pellet or organic waste and is burnt in a biomass boiler or furnace to produce heat. This can be used to provide heat and hot water and is regarded as renewable energy.

Systems can range in size from small, domestic systems which are typically 10-15kw to significant power stations such as the Drax facility and our offering spans the medium to large categories.

Typical biomass boiler systems can power single buildings or be connected to multiple buildings via a district heating network. An example of the multiple building approach is the University of St Andrews biomass energy project where a biomass furnace heats water at a remote site and pumps this through an underground district heating network to the main University campus, 4 miles away, where it heats 42 buildings and 2,600 student homes.

University of St Andrews Biomass Energy Centre

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