
CHP technology works by using a fuel source, typically natural gas, to generate electricity which can be either utilised by the client via a private wire, exported to the grid, or a combination of the two. The CHP engine harnesses the heat generated from this process to create hot water, which is distributed through insulated district heating pipework to provide heating and hot water for the client’s buildings, after which it returns to the energy centre to be reheated by the CHP. By generating the electricity and heat through one fuel simultaneously, it is much more efficient than traditional power generation as there is less wasted energy, providing a solution that could improve energy efficiency by 40-45% subject to good utilisation of heat.

King's Cross CHP

Design Considerations

  • We can undertake electrical and thermal demand analysis to accurately predict accurate electrical and thermal demand using both CIBSE benchmarks and our database of customer energy usage. This is then used to size the engine and our designers can specify additional plant such as back up boilers and thermal stores.

  • Heat Network - The district heating network must be correctly designed in accordance with the CIBSE/ADE Heat Network Code of Practice and must be coordinated with existing utilities. We often model our networks in specialist 3D software during the design process to ensure utility coordination. We adopt a “whole-life” approach to our networks and work.

Solution detail
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